Spring has Sprung!

Up in the northern hemisphere the movement that comes along with the spring is here. The sun is showing his marvelous head more and more and the windy weather is spreading turmoil and bringing with it wonderful change and new beginnings. Everything starts to grow again and our spirit is once more renewed!

The icicles start to melt from our bones, the spring air starts to bring smiles to our faces and happiness in our hearts and all at the same time sends our stress levels up a notch.

We are now moving into the depths of the wood element with its associated liver energy, that can both give us stability and get blown out of control. As a practitioner I see an increase in runny noses and raging allergies. Along with some tummy associated problems and more and more chest congestion.

It's important to use this time to strengthen/soothe the liver by cleansing out all of that stored waste that kept us warm through the winter months. Green is the colour associated with spring and so no doubt the foods you should be stocking up on are fresh, leafy and young. It's also time to include a variety of juices containing citrus fruits, pears, apples, celery and carrots. Foods such as sprouts, beans and radish are welcomed.

So what are you waiting for put the spring back into your step, get stretching to bring you back down to earth, GET OUTSIDE and breathe, do your eye exercises - the liver is connected to your eyes and keeping them strong is of paramount importance right now.

eg) Clock eye-training


Create new beginings, start something, build the life you want to live!

Use the energetic pull surrounding you!